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Credit Card Insights

How to keep track of credit card expenses

Timo Kretschmer avatar
Written by Timo Kretschmer
Updated over a week ago

Our Insights sections provides Card Managers and Admins with an overview of credit card usage in their company.

The Insights section can be found under the menu item “Credit cards”

Expenses Overview

In the expenses overview, you can easily filter by different dimensions

  • All cards: filter by cardholder, card label or the last four digits of the card number

  • All categories: filter by spend category - each transaction is automatically assigned a category

  • All merchants: filter by the particular merchant where a transaction was made

The filters can be combined in any way. For example, you can easily filter for travel expenses on cards of a specific employee.

Missing Invoices

The "Missing invoices" widget makes it easy to remind employees that receipts for transactions are still missing.

The drop-down menu allows you to display missing invoices by specific time periods. For example, you can view which invoices are missing in total, from the past or current month, or from the past 7 or 14 days.

By clicking on the e-mail icon, the administrator:in can easily remind employees to upload missing invoices. By clicking on the mail icon, a pre-written email opens in the PC's default mail program (e.g. Outlook), which kindly reminds the employee that receipts are still missing. A link in the email takes the employee to an overview of transactions for which invoices are still missing.

In the example below, for example, the employee Mozhi Amiri would be reminded that a total of 47 receipts are still missing.

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