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Automate recurring approvals via workflows using simple rules

Timo Kretschmer avatar
Written by Timo Kretschmer
Updated over 2 months ago

What is a workflow?

Standard processes can be created through a workflow to send invoices in the future in an already predefined approval flow.

Go to

  1. Settings,

  2. Workflow Editor and

  3. click on the "New Workflow" button.

What to do?

  • Give your workflow a meaningful name e.g. 'Test-Workflow' and choose the description based on the people involved and their budget limits (e.g. René → Frederik (500) → Dörte (10.000)

  • Select one or more people for each approval step (if there is more than one approver per step, it is first-come, first-served - so only the approval of one of the selected people is needed to let the invoice proceed to the next step).

  • You can add any number of steps to start approval across multiple responsibilities.

Approval according to certain conditions

If there are conditions that determine which approval processes the invoices should go through, these conditions can be assigned to each approval step.

Let's act this out with an example:

All invoices sent into the following workflow are approved by a specific employee in the first approval step, then by the respective supervisor once the invoice amount exceeds 500€, and if the amount exceeds €10.000, the managing director must also approve the invoice.

  1. Approval step:
    Approval by employee

  2. Approval step:
    Supervisor of the approver in the first release step if: Amount > 500€

  3. Approval step:

    by the managing director, but only if: Amount > €10.000 (condition via the menu of the respective approval step)

Major points:

  1. select the approvers in the respective approval steps,

  2. subsequently, make a restriction with the condition:
    "Max Mustermann is to approve, but only IF the condition.... is fulfilled."

  3. The amount limit is handled absolutely: approvers of an approval step with the condition "Amount > 1.000" receive invoices above 1.000€ as well as below -1.000€.

  4. The amount limit is treated absolutely: regardless of whether it is an invoice or an invoice correction, the total amount alone is enough to trigger the optional approval step.

    1. For example, the condition "Amount > 1.000" sets in for invoices over 1.000€ as well as under -1.000€.

Start approval process with a workflow

Select a workflow from the list by clicking the button instead of manually creating the different approval stages.

The invoice will now be sent in the order you created to the approvers defined in the workflow - if you have created amount limits, these will be taken into account.

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