Option 1: If “Kostenstellung classic” is in use
In order to export cost centers from DATEV Kanzlei-Rechnungswesen, you have to open the Buchhaltung first.
Go to
ASCII-Daten and you will be taken directly to the export menu.
At Formatauswahl
Kostenstellen/-träger must be selected.
Subsequently, under the option Exportziel, a different destination can be selected than the one set by DATEV by default.
At Dateiname only the file has to be named. In this example, we have used "Kostenstelle.csv".
Please make sure that the extension ".csv" is applied.
In CANDIS, cost centers can only be uploaded in CSV format.
Finally, the file can be generated by clicking on "Exportieren". This will be stored in the previously selected destination.
Option 2: If “Kostenrechnung Basics” is in use
open: Master data -> Cost and performance accounting -> Cost centers/cost carriers to display a list of all positions
mark this list completely and open it in Excel
save the file as CSV
This is the same file as the one that would have been created using option 1
Related Links:
How to upload the data to CANDIS can be found here.