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Exporting the general ledger accounts from DATEV Kanzlei-Rechnungswesen
Exporting the general ledger accounts from DATEV Kanzlei-Rechnungswesen

How to export the general ledger accounts from DATEV Kanzlei-Rechnungswesen.

Thomas Heudecker avatar
Written by Thomas Heudecker
Updated over 4 years ago

In order to export general ledger accounts from DATEV Kanzlei-Rechnungswesen, the Buchführung must first be opened. Under

  1. Bestand

  2. Export

  3. ASCII-Daten you can directly access the export menu.

In Formatauswahl,

  1. Stammdaten

  2. Kontobeschriftungen

  3. Kontobeschriftungen für Unternehmen online must be selected.

Now the Filename can be determined. In this example, we have used "Sachkonten.csv".

Please make sure that the extension ".csv" is applied.

Afterward, the scope of accounts can still be narrowed down. There is the possibility between:

  • Named accounts (Beschriftete Konten (Standard, Kanzlei, Individuell)

  • Used accounts (Genutzte Konten)

  • Booked accounts (Bebuchte Konten)

  • Individually named accounts (Individuell beschriftete Konten)

In the example, we have followed the procedure recommended by DATEV and have chosen "Beschriftete Konten (Standard, Kanzlei, Individuell)".

Furthermore, we have chosen to limit the expenses slightly and have only entered the accounts from 6000 to 7000. This entry exports all the general ledger accounts in the specified number range, even those that have never been booked too.

What you choose here and what range you take is up to you.

Tip: The fewer accounts you import, the smaller and tidier your dropdown is when requesting and approving. In CANDIS, individual G/L accounts can be added quickly at any time.

Finally, the file can be generated by clicking on "Export". This will be stored in the previously selected target data path.

How to import the data to CANDIS you can find out here.

Important: Any additional changes to the CSV can lead to the fact that umlauts are not recognized correctly, to avoid this, edit your accounts as much as possible before exporting from DATEV. Imported G/L accounts can be archived later individually in CANDIS.

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