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Invoice corrections and credit notes

Invoice corrections, colloquially called credit notes, can be processed with the Invoice correction checkbox.

Thomas Heudecker avatar
Written by Thomas Heudecker
Updated over a week ago

Attention: In everyday life, we often say "credit note" to an invoice correction.

However, these are two different situations, which are also treated differently in accounting and therefore in Candis.

1. Invoice corrections:

The Invoice correction checkbox in Candis reverses an invoice or an item. That is, instead of increasing the liability, it is decreased.

If the checkbox is selected at the invoice level, then the invoice amount will be minus. The liability and expense will be decreased in this posting.

Note: Candis can recognize invoice corrections by the negative values in an invoice. If you receive an invoice with a minus sign, the Invoice Correction field and the minus sign will be applied automatically.

If the checkbox is selected at the item level in a split, then the liability and expense will be reduced only on this item. This is useful when an item has been reduced on an invoice.

Example: If I handed in empties with a deposit of 0.30 cents before my purchase at the supermarket, then this amount is offset on the invoice after showing the deposit slip. My expense (6.24 euros) remains identical, but my payment amount has been corrected by a 0.30 cents deposit from 6.24 euros to 5.94 euros.

We can find all amounts that we have previously split in Candis again in DATEV or any other accounting system. Each split is a separate posting and can contain different expense accounts and tax keys.

The invoice correction in DATEV Unternehmen online

In DATEV Unternehmen online, the invoice correction can be used to offset two invoices. The prerequisite for this is that both invoices:

  1. Are assigned to the same contact.

  2. The "Create transfer" checkbox has been selected.

  3. The "Invoice correction" checkbox has been selected for at least one invoice.

  4. The invoice correction is not higher than the invoice amount of the invoice.

If these 4 requirements are met, then the invoice and the associated invoice correction can be offset against each other in the payment list in DATEV Unternehmen online.

  1. Mark the invoice and the invoice correction.

  2. Click on "Überweisen".

Then you can choose whether you want to send the balance directly to the bank, or whether the payment should be transferred to the payment list first.

To illustrate this, we have chosen the payment list here. The amount has been cleared and both invoice numbers of the invoice, invoice correction, and its invoice date are transferred to the note to the payee.

2. Credit Notes:

Credit notes should not be confused with an invoice correction.

With an invoice correction, an already existing invoice is corrected (e.g. because goods were delivered incorrectly). A credit note, on the other hand, transfers money to you without being based on another invoice (e.g. bonus payments from your wholesaler because you have sold product XY frequently).

Credit notes are therefore processed in Candis with the document type "Outgoing invoice"; you do not need to check the "Invoice correction" box.

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