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Your first steps in Candis
Informations about the invoice approvals in Candis
What are the optimal system requirements for Candis?What are the requirements to be able to work with Candis without errors?
Configure the standard client to connect your DATEV Unternehmen online accountAn overview on how the connection between Candis and DATEV Unternehmen online works and how to set it up initially
How do I log in to my Candis account for the first time?You already got the invitation for Candis? Here are the next steps.
Add and remove team members and define their rolesWhich user role offers which authorizations?
Candis field suggestions for you as a Requester or ApproverHow Candis determines the suggested values for cost centers, cost objects, workflows, and approvers
Individualize the user profileSet up a profile picture and use the account the way you want to
How do I change my email address in Candis?What are the steps required to update the email address in my Candis account?
Reports and budgeting, the easy solution to keep track of your expensesAdd reports for contacts, G/L accounts or cost centres to your dashboard and expand these reports with budgets.
Substitute management for invoice approvals during holidays or sick leaveHow to set up automatic forwarding of approvals in Candis
Start your first approval process!Documents are ready for an approval process in "Processing" - what to do next?
Automate recurring approvals via workflowsAutomate known processes with simple rules
Add attachments to documentsYou have documents that belong together or want to upload documents for an invoice?
Invoice corrections and credit notesInvoice corrections, colloquially called credit notes, can be processed with the Invoice correction checkbox.
How to change a started approval process (document data or approver)An employee who was entered as a requester is sick / on vacation or the document data was entered incorrectly - this is what you can do!
This is how you and your team members are reminded of open approvalsThe daily email reminder as an overview of pending approvals
Several approval steps are used for this purpose and this is how you utilize themCreate multiple users in one approval step or multiple approval stages?
Data sources in CandisWhere does the data displayed in the processing of documents and transactions come from?