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Transactions & Payments
Everything about your transaction management and payment execution in Candis
How do I pay or transfer my invoice with Candis?
Dealing with credit card and cash receipts [DATEV].How the optimal process of your credit card and cash receipts looks in Candis in combination with DATEV
Use payment conditions to define fixed cash discount periods for business partners
Connect Kassenbuch online [DATEV]How to set up a seamless export to the DATEV "Kassenbuch online".
Prepare a document for the Kassenbuch online [DATEV]How it is possible for you as a requester to prepare a document for the Kassenbuch online.
Cash ledger document types not correctly configuredHow to assign the document types in Candis and manage the "Kassenstammdaten" (cash register master data) in DATEV Unternehmen online.
Current fiscal year or cash ledger application not foundHow to perform the annual transfer in the DATEV Kassenbuch online.