Under the menu item Payments you can
monitor your documents still to be transferred.
Export payment files for further processing.
You can activate the payment list in the settings under "Payments".
Here you have to set a start date first.
The start date corresponds to the due date on which your invoices will be displayed in the payment list for payment.
There you can also define your bank accounts and select one of them as "default bank".
Documents in the payment list have the following common features:
The document type is "Invoice receipt",
the invoice is in Euro,
the IBAN/BIC of the business partner is in the SEPA area,
they are released and
"Create bank transfer" has been specified.
Also, the due date must be after/on the start date.
Note: If no due date is specified during processing, then the invoice date will be used as due date.
What are the options for monitoring my due dates?
By default, the payment list is sorted by the due date. We always show you the earliest due document first to keep track of your payment deadlines.
Under "Payments" on the left side, you will see a chronological list of all exports that have already been made. Additionally, you will see the
export dates,
how many documents are involved,
the sum of the payment amounts and
the employee who has executed this process.
With a click on the export, you can open the corresponding documents again.
Payment has already been made elsewhere?
No problem! In the "Payments" menu,
Click on the document whose payment status is to be changed.
You will get directly to the document and on the right, you can change the payment status to "Paid" and add the payment date
You can't select the document?
Documents can only be exported as SEPA-XML if a valid IBAN has been stored with the document or the contact. Documents, where the IBAN is missing, are marked with a corresponding note.
Clicking on the incorrect line will take you to the document. Here you can add the IBAN on the right side and save your change. This will then be added to the contact data and added to all documents of the contact.
Execute SEPA XML export
Under the menu item "Payments",
you can select your documents to be transferred,
then specify the bank account to be debited and
finish the process with a click on "Export SEPA XML".
After the export, the payment status of the exported documents is changed from "Not paid" to "Paid". The payment date is the same as the export date and is added automatically.
Important: Only payment data can be exported with Candis. The transfer must be executed with another program (online banking).
Reason for payment
Each item in the SEPA XML contains an individual purpose after export. The purpose is composed of the invoice number, the invoice date of the document and the customer number (if available).