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Subcontractors of Candis

Important data protection informations

Marius Roth avatar
Written by Marius Roth
Updated over a week ago

Candis is a so-called SaaS ("Software as a Service"). This means that the (cloud) software that we provide to our users at consists of individual "areas" (data matching, payment, export...) which are collectively understood as a service. In order to provide this service for our customers, we use subcontractors (e.g. for server hosting, connection of your payment accounts, database storage...).

As a software manufacturer, we are reliant on subcontractors for practical reasons, so we will inform you in good time before the introduction of new subcontractors. Until the new subcontractor is introduced, you have the option of objecting to this new subprocessing. (see AVV).

Of course, we oblige our subcontractors to comply with the same data protection obligations that arise from the order processing relationship between us (Candis GmbH) and you. This means that our subcontractors are themselves processors vis-à-vis us and Candis GmbH is therefore solely responsible to you.

You can find a current list of our subcontractors here:

Name and address of the subcontractor

Description of the service

Amazon Web Services EMEA Sàrl 5 Rue Plaetis L-2338 Luxembourg

Hosting in the Frankfurt data zone in Germany

Gini GmbH Lyonel-Feininger-Str. 28 80807 Munich

Recognition of relevant information from PDFs and scanned text documents

Mailjet SAS 13-13 bis, rue de l'Aubrac, 75012 Paris

Sending of notification emails

To be added shortly (information to follow)

Google Ireland, Barrow House, Limited Gordon House Barrow St Dublin 4 Ireland

Provision of the LLM model for automatic document recognition

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