How do I log in to my CANDIS account for the first time?

You already got the invitation for CANDIS? Here are the next steps.

Timo Kretschmer avatar
Verfasst von Timo Kretschmer
Vor über einer Woche aktualisiert

If you have been invited to a CANDIS account, you will find the corresponding invitation in your e-mail box.

The sender is - so please also check your spam folder if you have been invited by one of your team members but have not yet received an email.

Just click on 'Accept invitation' to start the registration process. You will be given a password with which you would like to log in to CANDIS in the future - alternatively you can connect your Google account.

Future login area

For all future logins simply visit Please save the address directly as a bookmark in your browser.


If you manage several companies with CANDIS, you can simply bookmark the main account so that you start by default in the desired company.

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