Set up absence period and substitute
In Candis, all approvers and administrators have the option of setting up a substitute for the period of absence. This enables the automatic forwarding of approvals.
1) To do this, click on your name in the left down hand corner of the title bar ➔ "My profile"
2) Enter the period of your absence, select your substitute and leave a short note if you would like to provide further information. Save and you're done ;-)
If employees spontaneously fall ill or forget to enter a substitute, the administrator can take over. To do this, simply select the team member in the settings and enter the absence.
Please note: If the start date is in the past or begins on the same day, the substitute will immediately get access to the absent person's open approvals.
Tip: To make it easier for the substitute to approve recurring invoices, you can mention them in a comment in a few older invoices that have already been approved.
During the absence
When an absence with a substitution begins, the following happens:
the substitute is informed via email that they are substituting for the absent person during the absence period
the substitute receives access to the absent person's open approvals and also receives the daily reminder emails from now on
the absent person continues to receive these reminder emails
the substitute is automatically added to all workflows of the absent person and thus also receives all new approval requests for the absent person
if an absent person is selected as approver for an invoice, the substitute is automatically added
Absences are displayed in all relevant places in the tool with a small icon next to the profile picture. As soon as you move the mouse over it, you can see all the details such as the period, the substitute and the note.
Upcoming absences are displayed up to three days before the absence.
When a requester selects a workflow for sending invoices for approval, they can see a warning that someone in the workflow is currently absent or will be absent soon, if no substitute had been set.